Pregnancy-Nausea Relief Products That Actually Work, According to a Prenatal Dietitian
Pregnancy nausea is the worst. One day you are trucking along excited about your little peanut growing inside of you, and the next, you aren't even sure that you can stomach something as simple as a cracker. Blame your shifting hormones for this lovely side-effect of pregnancy and know that it typically goes away once you enter your second trimester.
As a prenatal registered dietitian, I have seen my fair share of pregnancy-induced nausea (and vomiting) and have seen what works and what is totally fluff. Along with eating small and frequent meals, moving slowly, and staying away from triggering smells, here are 13 remedies that I have seen work for some queasy folks who are eating for two.
Blisslets ($30) are stylish and inconspicuous bracelets that work by providing acupressure to a specific point on the wrist that has been shown to offer nausea relief, when compared with placebo.
If you are trying to hide your bump (and your baby news) until you are ready to share, yet first trimester nausea has hit you hard, these bracelets can offer a subtle, more fashionable solution. Other options on the market look more like not-as-cute sweat bands or plastic bands that you wear on each wrist.
Mega Food Morning Sickness Nausea Relief Soft Chews
Mega Food Morning Sickness Nausea Relief Soft Chews ($13, originally $18) are a convenient and delicious way to reap the benefits of vitamin B6 and farm-fresh organic ginger root, both known to help ease nausea related to morning sickness.
Each chew has a honey lemon ginger flavor, can be taken any time of day, even on an empty stomach. Perfect for tossing into your purse before running out the door in case a bout of nausea strikes.
Bob's Red Mill Oats
Sometimes the only thing that sounds remotely appetizing when dealing with morning sickness is carbs, and Bob's Red Mill Oats ($6) is a perfect solution. Offering one of the most extensive lines of bump-friendly oats out there — including gluten free and organic options — Bob's Red Mill Oats are a perfect easy-to-tolerate food that gives the mama-to-be a boost of key nutrients like fiber, folate, and iron. The secret to these oats is that they are kiln-toasted, making them delightfully chewy.
Oats also provide B vitamins and fiber to support milk-producing hormones once your newborn arrives too!
Good Morning Tea
Sipping tea can be a soothing practice, but some herbal mixes are questionable when pregnant. And if you're limiting caffeine, you'll need to be careful of which blends you brew.
Natalist Good Morning Tea ($18) is a caffeine-free, organic, and hand-packed fusion of Indian ginger root and Egyptian peppermint. Since both ginger and peppermint have been linked to nausea and indigestion relief, this tea is a perfect thing to sip on when the "ick" comes along.
Vitamin B6
Taking supplemental vitamin B6 (like these: Life Extension Vitamin B6 ($9)) has been shown to help alleviate pregnancy nausea symptoms. Suggested doses and frequency vary depending on the study, so it is best to ask your doctor how much you should take before you start taking any supplements.
Experts have stated that physicians should consider prescribing doxylamine (found in Unisom SleepTabs ($12)) in addition to vitamin B6 for treatment of nausea and vomiting of pregnancy because the combination reduces symptoms by 70%.
Although deemed safe by expert panels, the use of doxylamine has been linked to increased risk of a certain birth defect. For this reason, use of this remedy should only be used under a health care provider's supervision.
Urban Moonshine Calm Tummy Bitters
An aromatic pairing of chamomile and ginger, Urban Moonshine Calm Tummy Bitters ($19) helps and calm occasional upset stomachs and nausea. It can be taken straight-up with a dropper or added to your ginger ale or other drink for an extra boost.
These bitters also contain dandelion root, which has been shown to be an appetite stimulant, something many of us need when we are trying to "eat for two," but are having a hard time stomaching something as simple as a cracker.
Note that this product does contain a small amount of alcohol, so it is best to check with your doctor before you incorporate it into your lifestyle while expecting.
Reeds Ginger Ale
Did you know that many ginger ales contain zero real ginger? Bummer, right? But when you sip on Reed's Ginger Ale ($46 for 24 cans), you are sipping on real ginger to offer some nausea relief. In fact, Reed's Real Ginger Ale is made with 2000 milligrams of fresh organic ginger according to the brand. That's a lot of ginger!
Mother Mother Aromatherapy Inhaler
Aromatherapy can work wonders when it comes to nausea relief, and Mother Mother's Aromatherapy Inhaler - Nausea ($24) makes the act super convenient. Made of peppermint, ginger, lavender, and lemon, simply hold the inhaler under your nose and breathe.
Drink Simple Maple Water
While Drink Simple Maple Water ($30 for 12-pack) won't give you nausea relief, it may help you stay hydrated, which is super-important when you are pregnant. When experiencing nausea, some may not find plain water appetizing. Yet, many alternatives are loaded with sugar and artificial ingredients.
Drink Simple Maple Water is made from the natural maple sap and contains half the sugar as coconut water. Yet, it is packed with electrolytes, prebiotics, and antioxidants to help you staying away from the dehydration train. Taking small sips of this drink may be easily tolerated and gives your body a boost that it may need.
Chloe's Lime Pops
Tart foods like lime can be a lifesaver when nausea strikes. Enjoying a frozen pop made with all natural ingredients and nothing artificial like Chloe's Lime Pops ($5 for four-pack) may be just what the doctor ordered. The cool and tart-sweet pop can easily be enjoyed in small quantities and may make you feel better, even if the relief is temporary.
Iron-Free Gummy Prenatal Vitamins
Taking your daily prenatal vitamin can help you fill in any nutrition gaps you may be experiencing to make sure your little nugget is getting everything it needs. But unfortunately, some people have a hard time tolerating the iron that is found in many prenatals, or have a hard time swallowing pills during their first trimester.
Temporarily switching to an iron-free gummy prenatal vitamin like Smarty Pants Organics Prenatal Formula ($31, originally $40) may help you ease your tummy woes. Just make a point to switch back to your iron-containing supplement once you start feeling better, especially if you are experiencing iron-deficiency anemia. And make sure the vitamin switch is ok with your health care provider before you make any changes.
Although sparse, there is data suggesting that cardamom may help offer some nausea relief during pregnancy. In one study, capsules containing 500 mg cardamom powder (similar to these TerraVita Cardamom Seed Pods ($12)) and placebo were administered three times a day half an hour before meals. Those who took the cardamom showed less nausea than those who took the placebo supplements.