Wonder Which Horror Movie Villain Is Your Alter Ego? See What the Zodiac Has to Say
Sure, most of us don't flat-out identify with horror movie villains, but the best evil characters do have rich, memorable personalities that may resonate with even the most innocent among us. After all, it's hard to deny Pennywise's bold, distinct flair or Michael Myers' air of mystery! If you've ever low-key feel seen by a horror icon, you may find the reason written in the stars. For a good helping of spooky fun, we've matched up 12 classic horror movie monsters and killers with the signs of the zodiac. Curious about who your evil alter ego is? Read ahead to discover what your horoscope has to say, but don't read too much into the villainous madness!
Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): Hannibal Lecter
Like this air sign, Hannibal Lecter oozes with charisma and is a natural conversationalist in The Silence of the Lambs. He also defies convention, we'd say, given that he ate a victim's liver with fava beans and a nice Chianti! The psychiatrist-turned-cannibalistic-serial-killer is also deeply intelligent and cultured, although you'll want to stay on his good side to avoid becoming his next meal.
Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20): Norman Bates
Based on Ed Gein, Psycho's Norman Bates first comes off as a gentle and unassuming soul, much like the dear Pisces in our lives. In true Pisces fashion, he's deeply loyal to Bates Motel and his mother — perhaps too loyal. Pisces can also have trouble dealing with the past, and clearly, his mother's death continually haunts him.
Aries (March 21-April 19): Freddy Krueger
Like a true Aries, Freddy Krueger pairs passion with his restless energy when lurking after his victims in their dreams. Aries can be a little short-tempered and aggressive at times — get on the Boogeyman's bad side, and he'll take out his deadly razor claws. Freddy is always up for a rigorous challenge, so you best stay awake.
Taurus (April 20-May 20): Annie Wilkes
This OG Stephen King character initially comes off as the best of what a Taurus can be — sweet and devoted. In line with the bull sign's interests, she also appreciates a good romance, which is why she's decided to nurse Paul Sheldon, a famous romance novelist. But you don't need to watch Misery for long to pick up on how possessive and stubborn Annie can be.
Gemini (May 21-June 20): Jack Torrance
In Gemini fashion, The Shining's Jack is curious and affectionate, with a genuine love for art and books — he's an aspiring writer, after all. But if there's anything that Geminis loathe, it's spending too much time alone stuck in a boring routine, and staying in a secluded hotel with a haunting past doesn't help Jack's case. As he typed over and over again, all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.
Cancer (June 21-July 22): Frankenstein's Monster
An experiment gone wrong by one Victor Frankenstein, the Monster is somewhat misunderstood. Like a Cancer, the outwardly grotesque creature can be sensitive and nurturing to the people around him. But he can also be self-protective and moody, so if you cause him to snap, you'll be in for a lot of trouble.
Leo (July 23-Aug. 22): Pennywise
Leos are bold and distinct, and they definitely have a flair for drama. You could say the same about Derry's resident monster clown. If there's anything that Pennywise loves, it's making a grand entrance, whether that's through a freaky jump scare appearance or a warped giant spider form. Kids may, at first, fall for Pennywise's warm exterior (though, he looks pretty terrifying), but they should be wary of his ulterior motives.
Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): Patrick Bateman
Did Patrick Bateman really kill all of those people in American Psycho? You have to decide for yourself. But you have to admit that there's a Virgo-like method to the madness portrayed by Christian Bale. Bateman is incredibly fastidious when it comes to his workout, beauty, and style routines. He also stays organized and thinks practically when it comes to covering his tracks after supposedly killing Paul Allen. That said, his precision does go out the window by the end of the movie . . .
Libra (Sept. 23 to Oct. 22): Pinhead
Pinhead is known for being articulate and intelligent. Libras, too, are known for their charisma and communication skills. Unlike a villain that can go on a full-throttle murder spree without blinking, this villain can almost appear diplomatic and logical toward potential victims, much like the balance-seeking Libra. Though, your typical Libra probably isn't keen on inflicting torture and pain.
Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): Michael Myers
The embodiment of a Scorpio (and pure evil), Michael Myers is shrouded by an air of mystery. Seriously, he's always just lurking around, calm and collected until he violently murders someone. He can be quite stubborn like this scorpion sign is known to be, as he's been fixed on killing Laurie Strode for decades.
Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): Chucky
For a toy that resembles a child, Chucky is anything but docile and innocent. He's rather upfront about his murderous intents. But like a Sagittarius, Chucky does like to get a little playful. (His movie is called Child's Play for a reason!) The boundless energy that we associate with the archer, is, unfortunately, fuel for Chucky's psychopathic tendencies.
Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): Jason Voorhees
Call Jason Voorhees whatever you want, but there's no doubt that he's a lean, mean, killing machine. Like a true Capricorn, this horror icon is the ultimate worker bee when it comes to getting things done — in this case, murdering masses of people. As a Capricorn, he also shows complete and unfettered devotion to his family, especially when it comes to avenging his mother.